Grassroots Grants

Funded through the NC Arts Council, this grant is set up to
provide funding opportunities for organizational arts programs.

Thanks to the generous support of the NC Arts Council, we are able to distribute over $19,000 to local creative arts organizations, helping bring exciting new projects to life. From vibrant jazz festivals to inclusive arts initiatives, this year’s recipients are making a profound impact on our community, fostering creativity and connection throughout the High Country.

We are honored to play a role in supporting these inspiring projects and can’t wait to see the incredible work they bring to our region!

Grant Purpose
and Details

  • In 1977, the North Carolina General Assembly established the Grassroots Arts Program to ensure that every citizen has access to high-quality arts experiences.

    The program provides funding for the arts in all 100 counties in North Carolina.

    Funds are primarily distributed through local arts councils using a per capita-based formula. The North Carolina Arts Council manages the Grassroots Arts Program for the state and provides technical and program assistance to its community partners.

    The creation of the Grassroots Arts Program (GAP) increased the number of local arts councils and helped establish North Carolina as a leader in community arts development.

    Nationally, North Carolina has one of the largest networks of local arts agencies and also the country’s oldest arts council, which serves Winston-Salem and Forsyth County.

    Grassroots funds support hundreds of arts activities across the state each year.

2025/2026 sub-grant allotment is $21,000+ for qualified arts programming in Watauga County. Typical requests range from $800 - $3,000. Click Here for updated funding allowances and exclusions or view snapshot below.

Deadline to apply: August 18, 2025.

This grant provides support for high-quality programming in the performing, visual, literary, and traditional arts. Programming choices are responsive to community needs and demonstrate improvement and innovation. Programming choices also engage constituents across geographic, cultural, social, and economically.

Fosters collaborative relationships with and provide services and support to county arts organizations and other arts resources.

• Supports individual artists in the county through services and opportunities and compensates artists appropriately.

Please review the final report to ensure you understand the reporting requirements before applying. Failure to submit a final report could result in disqualification for future applications.

Applicant Information

  • August 18, 2025

  • Review of Applications should be completed no later than September 30th. Applicants will be notified within a week after the panel review.

  • Projects may occur within the year of application - must occur between July and June. You can request funding for a project that has already happened as long as it happened within the year of the current grant cycle.
    July 2025 - June 2026, and so on..

  • WAC spends a minimum of 20% of our Grassroots Grant budget on organizations who are run by, or programs that include African American, Asian American, Latino, or Native American artists.

    WAC may award subgrants to African American, Asian American, Latino, or Native American organizations. The organization does not have to be an arts organization, but the funds must be used for arts programming.

    We may award subgrants to other organizations to hire artists or ensembles of color* to conduct arts programs.

    *To be considered The majority of ensemble artists must be African American, Asian American, Latino, and/or Native American.

  • Organizations must have been in operation for at least one year.

    While nonprofit 501(c)(3) status is preferred, organizations that are nonprofit in nature may also receive Grassroots Arts Program subgrants.

    Unincorporated nonprofits may have a fiscal agent or sponsor to receive the funds on their behalf.

    Watauga County nonprofit arts organizations such as, qualified arts organizations (where they exist), such as theaters, symphonies, galleries, art guilds, choral societies, dance companies, folk arts, societies, writer’s groups, and arts festivals.

    Applicant/organization must not be late on tax payments.

    Subgrants of Grassroots funds may not be awarded to arts organizations that already receive operating support directly from the N.C. Arts Council.

  • View Updated Funding Document. Our directive is to prioritize funding for the following:

    1. Provide program or operating support to qualified arts organizations.

    2. Provide funds to support arts learning and arts-in-education programs conducted by qualified artists. These can be artist residencies in schools, after-school programs, summer camps, or adult arts learning classes.

    3. To support other community, civic, and municipal organizations that provide high-quality experiences for the greater community. These programs must be conducted by qualified artists.

  • Application review is based on:

    The first priority for awarding subgrants is to provide program or operating support to qualified arts organizations (where they exist), such as theaters, symphonies, galleries, art guilds, choral societies, dance companies, folk arts societies, writer’s groups, and arts festivals.

    The second priority for subgranting Grassroots funds is to support arts learning and arts-in-education programs conducted by qualified artists. These can be artist residencies in schools, after-school programs, summer camps, or adult arts learning classes. Grassroots funds may not be used for activities associated with a school’s internal arts programs such as in-school student performances, the purchase of supplies, or student art competitions and publications.

    The third priority for awarding subgrants is to support other community, civic, and municipal organizations that provide high-quality experiences for the greater community. These programs must be conducted by qualified artists.

    Applications will be rated on:

    • Artistic quality of proposed project or programs

    • Community impact of project or programs

    • Ability to plan and implement project

    • Stability and fiscal responsibility of the organization.

  • • Contract must be signed and returned Notarized

    • No-overdue tax form submitted with the application

    • MUST use the NC Arts Logo and WAC logo on the website, printed materials, promotional endeavors, and on-site at the event/program for which you were awarded.

    • Must write a letter to legislators thanking them for funding. Sample and list of legislators coming soon.

    End of project report must be submitted no later than June 30, 2025. Failure to submit a report on time could disqualify you from future grants.

Grant Requirements and Resources

According to ADA Guidelines, Local Arts Councils must ensure their facilities and programs are accessible to all individuals.

  • This form must be signed by a notary and submitted with your application.

    Download form >

  • WAC requires all subgrantees to write their Legislators to thank them for appropriating funds for their grants and to inform them of the project activities and community impact. A copy of all letters to legislators must be attached to your final report. We hope you will also invite Legislators to attend any performances, exhibitions, or other project-related activities. Here is a list of your current legislators. You can find a sample letter here.

  • Web and Social Media Usage

    Please make sure that all digital instances of the N.C. Arts Council logo link to

    Use the hashtag #NCArts across social media.

    We invite you to follow us on social media:

    NC Arts Council

    • Instagram @ncartscouncil

    • Facebook @ncarts

    • X @ncartscouncil

    Watauga Arts Council (WAC)

    • Instagram @watauga_arts

    • Facebook @Watauga Arts Council

Common Projects Include:

View a full explanation of allowable expenses and funding requirements here.

  • Performances

  • Festivals

  • Art Exhibitions

  • Arts Camps & After-School Programs

  • Artist Residencies for Schools

  • Artist Fees for Classes & Workshops

  • Website Development

  • Research

  • Marketing Expenses for Art Walks & Studio Tours

  • Royalties, Props, Sets & Costume for Theatre Performances

  • etc.

The North Carolina Arts Council builds on our state’s longstanding love of the arts by sustaining a dynamic infrastructure that reaches into all 100 counties and benefits citizens in communities large and small. We are an economic catalyst, using the arts to bring together government, the private sector, community, and economic developers to strengthen the livelihoods of our changing towns and cities. We are a cultural pathfinder, showcasing our unique art expression and traditions while celebrating the innovation and diversity of our state. We are an arts education champion, cultivating tomorrow’s creative citizens. We are dedicated to ensuring all North Carolinians live and thrive in a creative state that meets its challenges and realizes its potential through the arts.

Grassroot Grants
2024/2025 Winners

Immigrant Connection of the High Country

Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture

Appalachian State University: High Country Humanities

Blue Ridge Fiber Guild

Friends of Western Watauga Branch Library, Inc

Appalachian Theatre of the High Country

Mountain Mermaids Collective

Blue Ridge Community Theatre

Watauga County Farmers' Market