Art in the Outdoors

Over the past four years, the Watauga Arts Council has been working to improve the presence of Public Art in Watauga County. We have worked closely with the Town of Boone and the Downtown Boone Development Association to pave the way for more murals in Downtown Boone through policy changes and the installation of new work.

As a participant in community planning initiatives such as the Tourism and Development Authority’s “Imagine Watauga” campaign and the Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Commission’s development of “Stake Our Claim,” we have identified specific ways Public Arts can be used to address recurring hurdles unique to our community.

Public art is a powerful catalyst for community connection, cultural enrichment, and economic vitality. It transforms everyday spaces into places of inspiration, fostering a sense of identity and pride among residents. In every form, public art is a vital investment in a community’s quality of life and cultural legacy.
Expansion of Public Art in the High Country aligns with
our mission of making the arts accessible to ALL, regardless of means, background, or ability.

Pending Project

Proposed Project Dates: January 2026 - November 2027

Please contact us for more information about the project or to review our grant application. We have upfront expenses we will have to cover in order to bring the artist to town for a site visit.

We are currently working to preserve a truss that held pipes that brought water to the Town of Boone and Appalachian State University for electricity almost 200 years ago. Our partners at the Blue Ridge Conservancy was going to have to remove and demolish the structure as part of their trail expansion. The truss withstood the 1940s flood and more recently Hurricane Helene. It stands as a testiment to our residents grit, resilience, ingenuity, and perseverance. We would be amiss not to try to preserve this historic structure. We are hoping that the National Endowment for the Arts will approve our grant request for this to be the first (not the last) large scale public art installation in our region. We will need to secure additional funds to provide a match for the NEA grant, if awarded.

We have only just begun…


View our gallery! We are taking you on this journey with us. We will reveal the finished artwork and include photos of planning, creation, and installation.
The Community Foundation funded our first two installations as part of the Appalachian Regional Commission’s Gateway Communities program. This micro-grant paved the way for more funding.


The Art in the Outdoors initiative is a work in progress. Through a strategic planning process, we are laying the groundwork for a robust public art program. If you are interested in serving on the committees, offering your property for art, sponsorship or funding of this initiative, or anything else,
please don't hesitate to contact us.

Art in the Outdoors Partners

A micro-grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission Conservation Fund led to an invitation to apply for a Made by Mountains grant for Building Outdoor Communities. We received funding to hire a Public Arts Consultant to create an
Art in the Outdoors Strategic Plan.

Our work on this strategic plan allowed us to apply for another grant to fund a mural tunnel project that will kick off this summer. That funder and more info is coming soon!

Sponsor logos will be added to the site soon!