About WAC
Watauga Arts Council:
The Watauga Arts Council seeks to bring Art to the forefront of the High Country through advocacy, education, engagement, support, and inspiration. We are dedicated to enriching the lives of residents and visitors alike. We purpose to make the arts accessible for all!
The High Country is a naturally beautiful place that inspires creative people from near and far. Let us celebrate the arts and invite them into our everyday lives meaningfully.
We are grateful to the North Carolina Arts Council for special funding to support new roles for our agency. Over the past year, we have been able to hire additional support and contract with professional consultants to help us achieve our goals.
This project was supported by the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.
We bring art to the forefront of our community through strategic partnerships with state, county, and town agencies.
Encourage, promote, and provide arts education for all ages in a variety of outlets. We offer classes, workshops, and camps throughout the year.
We offer resources, opportunities, professional development, and funding through grants and scholarships.
Inspire creativity through public arts projects, festivals, and competitions. We offer artists opportunities to showcase their work. See our current and upcoming events in the ‘News’ section of our homepage!
Meet the WAC Board
Alysa Cantor
Courtney Wheeler
Dan Sullivan
Gabe Wilson
Board Member
Leila Jackson
Tommy Lee
Andrea Connell
Chris Grasinger
Special Projects
Lauren Armbrust
Beth Shanklin
Board Member
Crystal Kelly
Board Member
Jerry Cantwell
Board Member
Contact the Board of Directors
Contact the Board of Directors
We welcome any ideas, questions, comments, or concerns.
Please Note: It is inappropriate to contact nonprofit board members at work. Desires to communicate to the board should ONLY be done using the following form or the “Contact us!” button at the bottom of the Board Member profiles. The executive board members will review all communication to determine if something needs to be brought to the full Board of Directors. If you would like a board member to contact you via phone, please call the office, and the message will be relayed to them.
WAC Employees
Amber Bateman
Executive Director
Krista Holt
Admin/Director's Assistant
Jennifer Herman
Finance and Development
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Internships, Board Membership, and Volunteer Opportunities!
We are always looking for motivated Board Members, Volunteers, and Interns to join our team.
You will be making a HUGE impact on the community and organization by contributing.
Join our robust creative community!
WAC Code of Conduct
WAC BOD Commitment
WAC History
In 1981, a core group of Watauga County residents who love the arts and wanted to protect Appalachian culture and crafts gathered together and formed the Watauga Arts Council. Their goal was to create activities and events that shared their love of the community, to educate children, to continue the tradition of artistry and craftsmanship in the High Country, and to provide artists with the assistance they need to grow and develop their voice.
In the years since, the Watauga County Arts Council has grown from this seed of committed individuals to an organization that includes many of the community’s citizens as its supporters, benefactors and celebrators.